Report your move

Are you going to move within The Hague or to The Hague? Report your change of address to the municipality online.

Are you moving from The Hague to another municipality in the Netherlands? Then you report your move in your new municipality. You do not need to deregister from The Hague.

You can report your move online or in writing. You will automatically be deregistered from your old address.

Report your move on time. A maximum of 4 weeks before and no more than 5 days after your move. Are you reporting your new address more than 5 days after your move? Then the date you reported the move will count as your moving date. This could, for example, have an impact on your allowances or study grant.

  • You are moving within The Hague or you are moving to The Hague from another municipality in the Netherlands.
  • You are 16 years or older.

Are you reporting the move for somebody else? This is allowed if you:

  • are married or civil partners, living at 1 address and moving to the same address
  • are reporting the move for an underage child and you are the parent, legal guardian or caregiver of the child
  • are reporting the move for an adult child who is living at your address and is moving to the same address
  • are reporting the move for a cohabitating parent who is living at your address and is moving to the same address
  • are the guardian of a person who has been placed under guardianship
  • are reporting the move for a new resident of a care facility or nursing home and you are the director of the facility
  • have been given authorisation


You can report your change of address online. You need the following information:

  • your DigiD login information
  • proof of your new address, such as a signed purchase deed or rental contract
  • If you are going to move in with somebody, then you need permission from the main occupant (see the page Begin link: Proof of Occupancy, end link. ).

In writing

You do not have DigiD and you would like to report your move in writing? Print out the moving form, complete it and then send it to:

Gemeente Den Haag
DPZ/KCC Unit Beheer en Verstrekkingen
Afdeling Adreswijziging
Postbus 12620
2500 DL Den Haag

Include the following documents:

  • a copy of an identity document (passport, driving licence or identity card)
  • a copy of a proof of your new address, such as a purchase deed or rental contract with your signature
  • if you are going to move in with somebody, then you need permission from the main occupant (see the page Begin link: Proof of occupancy, end link. ).

Moving form

(PDF, 211.7 KB)

At a municipal counter

Are you unable to arrange your move online or in writing? Or are there special circumstances? Then you might be able to visit the counter at one of the municipal offices. Read more on the page Begin link: City district offices: opening hours and locations, end link. .

It unfortunately is not possible to report your move in an email. This is because the municipality must comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).


The municipality will register you within 5 working days after your moving date. For example, you have reported 1 July as your moving date. It can take until 6 July before you are registered at your new address.

In writing

The municipality will register you within 2 weeks after your moving date. For example, you have reported 1 July as your moving date. It can take until 15 July before you are registered at your new address.

Checklist for your move

For your move to or within The Hague you can use this checklist:


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