Answers to questions frequently asked by Ukrainian refugees

Read the answers to the questions most frequently asked by Ukrainians in The Hague.

Are you looking for a shelter and you are not registered in The Hague region?

Are you staying with a host family, family members or friends in The Hague region?

Employees from the municipality and the public health service (GGD) will be at the arrival centre. They will make sure that you get a place to sleep (emergency shelter). Later the municipality will try to move you to a location where you can stay longer. A larger number of refugees are being housed at these locations. You usually have to share the kitchen, WC and shower with other people in the shelter.

Refugees with temporary protection have the right to shelter from the municipality. These are:

  1. people with Ukrainian citizenship who:
    1. left Ukraine after 26 November 2021
    2. travelled from Ukraine to the Netherlands before 27 November 2021
  2. people with another citizenship (not Ukrainian) who before 24 February 2022:
    1. had international or national protection in Ukraine because they were not safe in their country of origin
    2. had a valid permanent Ukrainian residence permit and did not return to their country of origin.
  3. family members of the people listed in 1 and 2:
    1. partner (married or unmarried) with whom there is a long-term relationship
    2. underage unmarried children
    3. other close family members who were living with the family and who are completely or largely dependent on this family

You do not fall within these 3 groups? Then you have no temporary protection in the Netherlands. You might need to apply for asylum at Begin external link: Ter Apel(External link), end external link. to get shelter. Or you might have to return to your country of origin. Look in the section ‘Registration, residency status, asylum and return’ to see if you can apply for asylum.

Unaccompanied underage refugees are children who enter the Netherlands without parents or guardian. Municipalities, including the Municipality of The Hague, register these children at the Nidos Foundation. This national organisation will apply for guardianship at the court and takes care of practical matters and a safe place to live.

Read more on the Begin external link: website of the Nidos Foundation(External link), end external link..

Minor refugees who fled without their parents have had the right to a living allowance since 1 August 2022.

Read more about applying for the Begin link: Living allowance for Ukrainian refugees, end link. (

You might have to temporarily leave your shelter location. For example in order to arrange affairs in your home country. Or because you want to pick up family members to bring them to safety. You are allowed to stay a number of days at a different location.

Are you staying in a municipal shelter location?

Then you are allowed to be absent for a maximum of 28 days per year, including 7 days in a row. You are required to report your absence to the location manager. Are you staying away longer than what is allowed? Then you will lose your right to shelter. You can then apply again for a spot in a shelter. In special cases the number of days can be extended if this is approved by the location manager.

Are you staying with a private host family?

Discuss with the host family how many days you would like to be away.

Will travelling abroad have consequences for my living allowance? If you stay away longer than is allowed or agreed upon, you will no longer have the right to a living allowance. You will not get this anymore.

You can bring your pet with you to the arrival centre. There you will find practical things such as a litter box and pet food. At the arrival centre, the municipality will discuss with you what the possibilities are for a home for your pet. The municipality will try to find a place for you and your pet to stay together. Unfortunately, this is not always possible. You may have to visit a veterinarian to have your pet vaccinated or to get medical help. Read more information on the Begin external link: website of the NVWA(External link), end external link..

Are you not able to take your pet with you to the shelter? Then Hulp voor dieren uit Oekraïne can help arrange a temporary place for your pet to stay. Call telephone number 088 – 811 33 33 (Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 17.00 hrs.) or send an email to: Begin link:, end link. .

If you have a biometric passport, you are allowed to travel freely to the Netherlands and stay in the Netherlands for 90 days without a residence permit. You can find more information on the Begin external link: website of the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND)(External link), end external link..

If you are a refugee from Ukraine, you have to register in the municipality where you are staying (temporarily). In The Hague you will register during an appointment in City Hall. After you register, you will get your citizen service number (BSN). You will need this number to arrange all of your government affairs. Make an appointment. Read more at Begin link: Registration at the municipality for Ukrainians, end link. .

Refugees from Ukraine can get temporary protection in the Netherlands through the European Union’s Temporary Protection Directive. The Temporary Protection Directive provides the right to shelter, medical care and education for underage children in the Netherlands. And it makes it possible to work.

Are you a Ukrainian refugee and would you like to live and work in the Netherlands? Then you must apply for proof of residence. Read how you can apply in the question below: How do I apply for proof of residence in the Netherlands?

When to apply for asylum

  • If you are not a Ukrainian citizen, a permanent resident of Ukraine or a first-degree family member of a Ukrainian resident.
  • If you are a non-Ukrainian citizen or stateless person who resided legally in Ukraine and cannot return to your country or region of origin.

Apply for asylum

You can apply for asylum by contacting the Begin external link: Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA) in Ter Apel(External link), end external link..

In order to be allowed to live and work in the Netherlands refugees from Ukraine must apply for proof of residence. As of 31 October 2022 refugees must be able to show that they fall under temporary protection.

Apply for proof of residence

The first step is to register in the Personal Records Database (BRP) at the municipality.

Step 1

Register with the municipality. Read more on the page:

Step 2

Apply for proof of residence at the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND). During the appointment you need to sign an application form. This form is an official asylum application. As long as the Temporary Protection Directive applies to you, the IND will not decide on your asylum application. Refugees from Ukraine have a different asylum procedure.

After you apply

After you register in the Personal Records Database (BRP) at the municipality you can apply for proof of residence at the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND).

Make an appointment

You can make an appointment to apply for this proof of residence. You make an appointment via:

Needed at your appointment

Read what you need to take with you to the appointment on the page below:

During the appointment you need to sign an application form. This form is an official asylum application.


You will get a sticker or document from the IND during the appointment. Read more about it in the PDF:

As long as your sticker or document is valid you are allowed to live and work without a work permit (TWV) in the Netherlands and travel. You will need a valid passport to travel.

DT&V and IOM do not offer support for temporary repatriation.

(You are a third-country national if you are a non-Ukrainian citizen who fled Ukraine and you have a different citizenship from that of 1 of the member states of the European Union, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein or Switzerland. Or if you are a stateless person.)

Third-country nationals could stay in the shelter for refugees from Ukraine until 4 March 2023 in order to alleviate the pressure on the asylum process. After 4 March 2024 you can probably stay in the Netherlands to wait for the decision on your asylum application. You will then no longer have the right to shelter and facilities under the Temporary Protection Directive. You will have to go through the regular asylum procedure. Most third-country nationals will probably not be granted asylum and will have to return to their country of origin.

The government wants to stimulate third-country nationals to return voluntarily. Third-country nationals who are eligible and who return to their country of origin can get money from the Repatriation and Departure Service (DT&V). Read more on the page Begin external link: Assistance for those returning to Ukraine / Допомога з поверненням в Україну(External link), end external link..

You will keep your right to shelter and facilities under the Temporary Protection Directive if you have received a temporary provision from the courts. You can apply for this temporary provision using an attorney.

You can register children and adolescents aged 4 to 18 years who have fled from Ukraine for a spot in a school. This applies to children who are living in shelter locations in The Hague as well as children who are living with private people in The Hague. This education is free.

Registration up to 18 years (primary school and secondary school)

Somebody will contact you as quickly as possible to look for a suitable spot at a school.
You can find the Scholenwijzer privacy statement at Begin external link: link), end external link.

Registration as of 18 years (secondary vocational education)

Registration for higher professional education or university

Ukrainian children aged 2.5 to 4 years who are staying in The Hague are allowed to go to childcare and preschool facilities. There they will play together and extra attention will be paid to language development. Children are allowed to attend preschool a maximum of 16 hours per week.

You register your child for preschool yourself. Would you like to know how? Ask for help at a preschool in your neighbourhood. Or look at Begin external link: Гаазька вчителька догляду за малюками Міна(Externe link)(External link), end external link. (Begin external link: link), end external link.).

Childcare is for children aged 0 to 4 years. Childcare is not free in the Netherlands. You can apply for a childcare benefit at the Tax Administration. Read more information at Begin external link: My child goes to a childcare centre(External link), end external link. (

Parents can get a preschool benefit from the municipality (as long as they register in the municipality). Preschool is free with an Ooievaarspas. The contribution from parents for preschool will be compensated with retroactive effect through the Ooievaarspas.

You are allowed to work in the Netherlands if you have proof of residence in the Netherlands. You are also allowed to do volunteer work or an internship. Your employer must register you with the Employee Insurance Agency (UWV).

The Government of the Netherlands has set up a separate measure for the repatriation and evacuation of Dutch citizens, their first-degree family members and a group of vulnerable Ukrainian citizens. This group of people is entitled to certain compensations and insurances in the Netherlands. You can contact the Begin external link: Sociale Verzekeringsbank (SVB)(External link), end external link..

Begin external link: Read more information on link), end external link..

Read more information on opening a bank account without a passport on the Begin external link: website of the Dutch Payments Association(External link), end external link..

There are different shelters for Ukrainian displaced persons throughout The Hague.

In addition to the spots in the table there are also different smaller shelter locations for less than 10 people. These places are not in the table.

Shelter location City district Number of spots
Arendsdorp Haagse Hout 300

Read more information about language courses on the Begin external link: website of Taalhuis(External link), end external link.. The Taalhuis is located on the 2nd floor of the Central Library near City Hall (address: Spui 68). You need to pay for language classes yourself.

People who are staying in the Netherlands temporarily do not have to go through the civic integration process.

Read all the most important information about health care in the Netherlands on the Begin external link: website RefugeeHelp(External link), end external link..

On this website you will find information about care provided by a general practitioner (GP), dental care, help during pregnancy and psychological help (for example in dealing with trauma).

Do you have questions about the arrival centre, shelter facilities, registration, the living allowance, health care or work? Call the municipality on the telephone number (070) 353 80 24 (+31 70 353 80 24 from abroad). This number is available on Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 17.00 hrs.

The Rode Kruis has set up a WhatsApp helpline for people who have fled from Ukraine to the Netherlands.

You can visit the Servicepunten XL for questions about the Ooievaarspas, getting help with registering for school or childcare and other help. Look for the locations and opening hours at Begin link: Servicepunt XL: for information, advice and help, end link. . You can also send an email to Begin link:, end link.  and make a separate appointment.

Many people are offering help. Unfortunately you cannot trust everybody. In the PDF below you can read about how you can protect yourself.

Safety infographic

(PDF, 371.3 KB)


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