Apply for individual disabled parking space

An individual disabled parking space is a special parking space next to your home or work. The parking space is meant only for your vehicle.

  • You have a valid Begin link: European disabled person’s parking card, end link. .
  • You cannot walk more than 50 metres with or without a mobility aid. Please note: Does it appear from a medical advice that you are able to walk more than 50 metres? Then you must get a new medical assessment. You must pay for the costs of the assessment yourself.
  • You do not have your own parking space.
  • There are not enough parking spaces next to your home or work.
  • The municipality will look at the availability of parking in your street for your application.

Are you applying for a parking space as a passenger? Then there are extra conditions:

  • The number plate of the vehicle in your application for a parking space is registered at your home address.
  • Your partner (who lives with you) or housemate cannot help you get in and out of the vehicle. Or push a wheelchair. Is this the case? Then your partner or housemate might also have to get a Begin link: medical assessment, end link. .
  • The driver is not able to safely stop at your home to help you get in and out of the vehicle.

Look at all the conditions in the Begin external link: Regeling parkeerregulering en parkeerbelastingen Den Haag 2022(External link), end external link. (in Dutch).

You can apply for the parking space by email or by post. Use the form below.

Application form for disabled parking facilities

(PDF, 227.1 KB)


Complete the form and send it to Begin link:, end link. .


Complete the form and send it to:

Gemeente Den Haag
Handhavingsorganisatie, Gehandicaptenparkeren
Antwoordnummer 1435
2501 VE Den Haag

No postage is needed.

After you apply

You will receive a decision from the municipality within a maximum of 8 weeks. Different departments will work on your application.

There is no charge for constructing the parking space.

  • Is your application complete? Then the municipality will screen it within a maximum of 8 weeks. Will it take longer? Then you will receive a letter about this within 8 weeks.
  • The municipality will investigate whether a disabled parking space can be created at the designated spot (road use study).
  • Has the municipality approved the road use study and your medical assessment? Then you will get a letter with a map indicating where the municipality will construct the parking space.
  • The municipality will construct the parking space within 2 weeks.

  • A space will be constructed:
    • at the first possible parking space nearest to the front door of the home or work address
    • at more than 5 metres from an intersection
    • not in front of an exit or driveway
  • The municipality will place an Begin external link: E6 traffic sign(External link), end external link. by the parking space in accordance with the traffic regulations.

Is your parking space located in an area with paid parking? You might also be able to Begin link: apply for a disabled resident’s parking permit, end link. . This is possible only if you have a driver card. You will then not have to pay for parking each time.

Are you going to move and would you also like a parking space at your new address? Send a new application form by email to Begin link:, end link. or by post to:

Gemeente Den Haag
Handhavingsorganisatie, Gehandicaptenparkeren
Antwoordnummer 1435
2501 VE Den Haag

No postage is needed.

The municipality will investigate whether a disabled parking space can be constructed at your new address.

Do you temporarily have a different car? And because of this the number plate sign by your parking space is not correct? Ask for a permission card. The permission card allows you to continue parking in the same parking space. Begin link: Contact the municipality, end link. for this.

Do you permanently have a different car? You can report this to the municipality via Begin link: Replace parking sign and markings for reserved parking space, end link. .

Are you or another person not using the parking space? Due to a move or a death? Send an email to Begin link:, end link. . Include in your email:

  • the location of the disabled parking space
  • the number plate which is on the number plate sign

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