Go Around the World in a Day

The Hague will celebrate the city’s diversity during Wereldreis door eigen stad (Around the World in a Day) on Saturday, 23 March 2024. There will be all kinds of different activities. More than 200 nationalities live and work in The Hague. People with different backgrounds and lifestyles.

During Wereldreis door eigen stad residents of The Hague can meet new people in their city, strike up conversations and learn about each other. It will be a day filled with curiosity, encounters and most of all fun. There is no cost to take part.

Open house

A number of organisations in The Hague will open their doors to the public on Saturday, 23 March. They will organise a programme full of fun cultural activities such as performances, workshops and a tour of a church, temple, mosque or museum.

Take a peek inside the Elandkerk, Mescidi Aksa mosque or the Dew Mandir and Sikh temples.

Sikh man sitting cross legged on the floor
Tijdens de Wereldreis door eigen stad kunt u een kijkje nemen in verschillende religieuze gebouwen. Download image

Stories and walks

Get to know art in the city and discover the best artworks during the Street Art Tour. With background stories and a focus on the past. You can also learn about The Hague’s slavery history during a walking tour. Traces of this history are still visible in The Hague’s streets. Starting in the 17th century The Hague played an important role in the rise, perpetuation and abolition of slavery.

International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

The Wereldreis door eigen stad was created as a result of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on 21 March. This day was established by the United Nations in 1966. Unfortunately there is still a need for greater awareness about these subjects.

Exhibition, roller skating and the Urban Academy

Other activities are being organised in The Hague around the Wereldreis door eigen stad. For example the Begin external link: exhibition ‘Facing Blackness’(External link), end external link. in the Central Library from 18 March to 15 April. An exhibition about the history of racism, prejudice and resistance.

On Wednesday, 20 March everybody (as of 8 years old) can join a roller skating event in The Social Hub in The Hague. Enjoy skating while listening to background music from different parts of the world. The activity will take place in the inner courtyard of The Social Hub. In addition to roller skating, you can also come for information and questions about discrimination and racism. The Social Hub will be open on Wednesday, 20 March from 14.00 to 20.00 hrs.

On Thursday, 21 March you can attend the Urban Academy from 16.00 to 20.00 hrs. During this meeting there will be speakers such as poet Danielle Zawadi and actress Naomi Antonius, workshops, a dance performance and a walking buffet.

More info

You can find more information about the participating organisations, the programme and a map on Begin external link: www.wereldreisdenhaag.nl(External link), end external link.. Follow Wereldreis on Begin external link: Facebook(External link), end external link. and Begin external link: Instagram(External link), end external link.. You will also find the latest information there. Or look below for some of the activities.


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