Objection procedure (other matters)

You can contest a decision by the municipality on an Open Government Act (Woo) request, subsidy, towed vehicle, building permit, tree cutting permit, urgency declaration, municipal announcement, etc. File this objection online or in a letter.

Do you disagree with a decision taken by the municipality on Social Affairs, municipal taxes or a parking ticket? There are Begin link: other objection procedures, end link. for this.

Do you live in The Hague?

Residents can file their objections by post or online by logging in with their DigiD. You are not registered in the Personal Records Database (BRP) in The Hague? Then you can only submit your objection in writing.

You can take a maximum break of 10 minutes from filling in the online form. Otherwise you will lose all your work. Do you need more time? Click on the option ‘Opslaan en later verder gaan’ (Save and continue later) at the bottom of each page in the form. If you then provide your email address, you will receive a link. This link grants you up to 48 hours to finish filling in the form and to submit it. Please note: your work will be saved only in the menu items you have completed!


It is currently not possible to file an objection using eHerkenning. Send your objection by post. Read more under the heading ‘By post’.

Apply for DigiD

Do you not yet have DigiD? Apply via the Begin external link: DigiD – your online ID(External link), end external link..

By post

You can send your letter of objection by post to:

Burgemeester en wethouders van Den Haag
Postbus 12 600
2500 DJ Den Haag

What does an objection contain?

Include the following information in your letter of objection:

  • date
  • name, address and telephone number of the person submitting the objection
  • state the reference number and subject of the decision in your objection
  • send a copy of the decision
  • indicate the reason you do not agree with the decision (the basis for the objection)
  • sign the letter of objection (with a handwritten signature for objections in writing and a DigiD signature for objections online)

Example of a letter of objection (in Dutch)

(PDF, 20.6 KB)


If someone is submitting the objection on your behalf, you must authorise this person to do so. This is called an authorisation (machtiging). You can also file an objection on behalf of someone else, if you have been authorised to do so.

Example of an authorisation (in Dutch)

(PDF, 26.7 KB)

Objection procedure

Would you like to know what is happening to an objection? Then read Follow your objection (Begin link: Volg uw bezwaarschrift, end link. ). Here you will get a step by step description of what will happen with your objection.

Follow your objection online

If you have submitted the objection through the website, then you can follow the status of your objection online. If the status changes (for example when the Begin link: advisory committee, end link. receives your objection or when the advisory committee gives its recommendation on your objection) you will automatically receive an email. You can also use Begin external link: Mijn Haagse Zaken(External link), end external link. to look at the documents which are important to the objection.

Reactions to publication on Overheid.nl

Announcements and other public notices can be found on Overheid.nl. Examples include permit applications received by the municipality on plans and decisions. But it also contains information on how you can submit an objection or Begin link: file an appeal, end link. at the municipality. Read more at Begin link: Reageren op publicatie Overheid.nl, end link. (in Dutch).

More information

Do you have any questions? Then you can contact the Legal Affairs department of the Municipality of The Hague. The telephone number is (070) 752 59 92 and is available on weekdays from 8.30 to 17.00 hrs.

Or send a letter to:

Gemeente Den Haag, afdeling Juridische Zaken
Postbus 12 600
2500 DJ Den Haag


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