Convert a foreign certificate into a Dutch certificate

Were you born or married abroad? Or did you enter into a civil partnership in another country? Or did somebody die outside the Netherlands? If so, you can convert your foreign certificate into a Dutch certificate. This is only possible at the Municipality of The Hague.

How it works

  1. Ask for your certificate to be converted

    The request can only be made online. You can have several certificates converted at the same time.

  2. Wait for a message from the municipality

    The current waiting period is 10 months. The municipality will then look at your request. It will ask you to send in a number of official documents (not scans or copies).

  3. Send in the official documents

    Is your request complete? Then the municipality will convert your certificate within 6 weeks. It will inform you about this. You will get back your documents.

  4. Apply for a copy of the certificate

    Do you need a copy of the converted certificate? Apply for a copy or extract. Look at the container Apply for certificate on the page Certificates and official documents.


  • You have (or had) Dutch citizenship. Or you have asylum status.
  • A competent authority (an organisation with the power to perform this function) has drawn up and issued the certificate to you.
  • The certificate is written in Dutch, English, French or German. For other languages a translation is required. Sometimes you also need to legalise the document.

It is not mandatory to convert a foreign certificate, but it could be useful:

  • After it has been converted the certificate will be registered in The Hague’s system (the civil registry).
  • You afterwards will easily be able to apply for a copy of the certificate in The Hague. You will no longer need to go abroad for this. And you will not have to legalise or translate the foreign certificate again.

  • All (former) Dutch citizens with a foreign certificate. Even if you live abroad.
  • Asylum status holders with a valid residence permit.

Converting a certificate for somebody else

(Adoptive) parents, (adopted) children, spouses and civil partners, grandparents, grandchildren, brothers and sisters can also make a request.

The foreign certificate

The certificate you want to convert. It does not matter how old it is. The certificate has been legalised and translated (if necessary). Check on Begin external link: link), end external link. if you need to legalise the certificate.

icoon akte

A copy of a valid identity document

For the person who is making the request. For example, an identity card, passport or foreign nationals document. The identity document does not have to be from the Netherlands.

icoon id bewijzen

Proof of Dutch citizenship (nationality)

For the person named in the certificate. For example a Dutch identity card or Dutch passport. Or a Dutch nationality certificate.

icoon bewijs Nederlanderschap

A copy of a valid Dutch residence permit

If you have asylum status.

icoon verblijfsvergunning

Extra documents

In the following cases you have to send additional documents. Click on the subjects to see what you need:

To convert a birth certificate include the following documents:

  • A copy of the foreign marriage certificate or certificate of civil partnership. If the parents were married or civil partners at the time of birth.
  • An acknowledgement of parenthood certificate. Or other documents which prove who the parents are.
  • Has your name been changed? All documents related to the name change.
  • Does it concern an adoption? All documents related to the adoption.

To convert a marriage certificate or certificate of partnership include the following documents:

  • A copy of the foreign birth certificate(s) for the married or civil partners.
  • A copy of the passport or identity card for both partners.
  • A declaration of non-Dutch citizenship. This is necessary if at least 1 of the partners does not have citizenship (nationality) of the Netherlands. You do not need to fill in the declaration if:
    • you are a citizen of an EU country
    • you have a permanent residence permit
    • you have been married or partners for longer than 10 years
    • you have gotten divorced

Declaration of non-Dutch citizenship

(PDF, 98.6 KB)

Extra condition:

  • Were you married abroad? Then the foreign marriage certificate must have already been converted. Only then can the municipality convert your divorce certificate. If your foreign marriage certificate was not yet converted, the municipality where you are living can Begin link: register the certificate in the BRP, end link. .

To convert a divorce certificate include the following document:

  • Your foreign divorce papers.

Are you making a request? Select ‘huwelijksakte’ in the online form.

To convert a death certificate include the following documents:

  • A copy of the birth certificate for the person who died.
  • Any marriage or partnership certificate which is not registered in the Personal Records Database (BRP).

Make a safe copy of your identity document

Use the KopieID app of the Government of the Netherlands.

Scan all the documents which are needed for your request. Scan both the front and the back of the pages. Upload them in the application form.

Convert foreign certificate into a Dutch certificate

Fill in the online form. You can do this with DigiD or without.

Problems applying online?

Do you need assistance with your request? Stop by a Begin link: Servicepunt XL, end link. in your area. A staff member will help you with the (online) application form. Do you have any other questions? Begin link: Contact the municipality, end link. .

Converting a certificate
Sending documents
you pay only the fees for returning your original documents by registered post. You will get an invoice for these costs.

It can take up to a year before your certificate is converted. It takes up to 10 months before the municipality will start working on your request. You will get a message when it is time to submit the documents. Has the municipality received all of the documents? Then it will take another 6 weeks for the municipality to convert your certificate.

This is unfortunately not possible. You will receive a message from the municipality:

  • after you apply
  • when you have to send in documents (it can take up to 10 months before you get this message)
  • when your certificate has been converted

Register a document in the BRP

Did something special take place abroad, such as a birth, marriage or death? Then you will get a foreign document. Do you live in the Netherlands? Then you have to register this document in the municipality where you are living. This is mandatory. The municipality will add the information to the BRP, but the certificate itself will not be registered in the system. Have you lost the document or is it outdated? Then you have to ask for new proof in the country where the event took place.

Convert a certificate into a Dutch certificate

Are you having a certificate converted? Then the certificate will also be registered in The Hague’s system (the civil registry). You afterwards will easily be able to apply for a copy of the certificate in The Hague. You then no longer need to go abroad. You will no longer need to go abroad for this. And you will not have to legalise or translate the foreign certificate again. It is not mandatory to convert a foreign certificate, but it could make it easier for you to arrange certain kinds of formalities.

Are you living in the Netherlands? First have your foreign certificate registered in the BRP of the municipality where you are living. This is mandatory. Afterwards you can have the foreign certificate converted in The Hague.

Are you living abroad? Then you will not be able to register the foreign certificate in the BRP, but you will be able to convert the certificate. After it has been converted the municipality will add the certificate to the Non-residents Records Database (RNI). Will you be moving to the Netherlands at a later moment? Then you have to register the Dutch certificate in the BRP of the municipality where you are living. This is mandatory.

Are you making a request at the municipality? Then you will receive a message about this. This message will contain a reference number (LTK-nummer).

If your request was not complete, the municipality will ask you to send in extra information. You must then include the LTK-nummer.

The certificate which you submit must be written in Dutch, English, French or German. For other languages a certified translation is required. This translation must be done by somebody who is allowed to translate official documents.

For a certificate from the European Union (EU) use a Begin link: multilingual standard form, end link. . Request this form from the authority where you got the certificate.

You have to legalise certain documents (made official with a signature and a stamp). More information can be found on the Begin external link: link), end external link..

No, you will not get a citizen service number (BSN) when you convert a certificate. Do you want to find out how you can get a BSN? Read more at Begin external link: Citizen service number (BSN)(External link), end external link. (

Would you like to look at the converted certificate? Apply for a copy or extract. Look at the container Apply for certificate on the page Begin link: Certificates and official documents, end link. . And apply for the certificate which you had converted.

Are any of the documents you submitted forged or falsified? Or did you obtain them through fraud? The municipality will not register them and will not return them to you. The municipality will report this to the police.


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