Overview of Ooievaars measures for low-income households

People with a low income often have the right to special measures. We called these ‘Ooievaars’ measures (Ooievaarsregelingen). See what you are eligible for.

Your situation and income determine whether you are eligible for the measures on this page. Would you like to know right away which Ooievaars measures apply to you? Answer the questions in the checklist (in Dutch).

On this page you can find the Ooievaars measures for everyone with a low income, and special measures for people with children, people who are chronically ill and disabled, and for the elderly.

Measures for everyone with a low income

The free Ooievaarspas provides a reduction on all kinds of fun and educational activities. Read more about the Begin link: Ooievaarspas , end link. and apply for it.

This health insurance is special for people with a low income. You either pay no deductible or a lower deductible. In many cases the municipality even contributes to part of the premium.

Read more about the Begin link: low-cost health insurance, end link. .

Do you need to buy something expensive? For example, a refrigerator, table or sofa? They you may have the right to an income supplement.

Read more abut the Begin link: individual income allowance, end link. (in Dutch).

Do you have to pay a lot of money unexpectedly? Then you may have the right to special assistance.

Read more about Begin link: special assistance, end link. (in Dutch).

If you have a low income, you can apply for a tax waiver of municipal taxes. You then either will not have to pay the taxes or you will have to pay only part of the taxes.

Read more about the Begin link: tax waiver of municipal taxes, end link. .

You may have the right to the healthcare benefit, rent allowance and/or childcare benefit.

Read more about the benefits and how you can apply for them on the Begin external link: website of the Tax Administration (Belastingdienst)(External link), end external link..

Compensation for the high energy costs. Read more about it (in Dutch) on Begin link: Energietoeslag aanvragen, end link. .

Measures for people with children

Do you receive welfare benefits and do your children go to a childcare facility? Then you could get a supplement from the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration. You can also apply for a contribution (compensation) from the municipality for the costs.

Preschool (voorschool) is a childcare centre for children between the ages of 2.5 and 4 years. The contribution most parents pay depends on their income. Do you have an Ooievaarspas? Then the preschool is free.

Read more about Begin link: preschool, end link. .

It is important that children can participate in society. Stichting Leergeld offer different free measures for parents with a low income. For example:

Look at the complete offer and read more information on the Begin external link: website of Stichting Leergeld(External link), end external link..

Everybody must to be able to show a valid ID at health care facilities or when travelling on public transportation. This also applies to children. This is why Ooievaarspas holders in The Hague between the ages of 12 and 17 years are able to get a free Dutch identity card one time.

Read more about the Begin link: free Dutch identity card, end link. .

Measures for people who are chronically ill and disabled

Are you a student between the ages of 18 and 30 years and do you have a limitation? Then you may be eligible for an allowance from the municipality.

Read more about the Begin link: study allowance, end link. .

Measures for the elderly

Do you live in The Hague, are you 70 years or older and do you have an Ooievaarspas? Then you can get a discount on a medical pedicure 8 times per year.

Read more about the Begin external link: Ooievaarspas(External link), end external link..

Are you unable to make a meal yourself? People on pension and disabled people who have an Ooievaarspas can get an inexpensive hot meal in the restaurants of care facilities in The Hague.

Read more about the Begin link: meal support services, end link. .

Do you receive a pension, live in The Hague and have the right to an Ooievaarspas? Then you are allowed to travel free on public transportation (bus, tram and RandstadRail). You will need a personal OV-chipcard for this.

Read more about Begin link: free travel in The Hague, end link. .


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