Submit a citizen’s initiative

Residents of The Hague 14 years and older can come up with a plan and propose it to the municipal council. This is called a citizen’s initiative (burgerinitiatief).

Would you like a place in your neighbourhood where young people can meet up, a skateboard park or more plants and trees in your street? Or do you have an idea for a playground, where it should come and how much it will cost? If you have a concrete plan, you can submit it to the municipal council.

You can also use the citizen’s initiative to submit a request for a referendum to the municipal council. If enough people support your proposal, it will be placed on the municipal council’s agenda.

A citizen’s initiative must always be about a subject on which the municipality can take a decision. It is not meant to put items which have recently been resolved back on the agenda.

Read all the Begin link: conditions and the procedure to submit a citizen’s initiative, end link. (in Dutch).


Do you have any questions or would you like to learn more about the citizen’s initiative? Then you can phone the municipal clerk’s office on tel. (070) 353 31 31 or send an email to: Begin link:, end link. .


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