Register an intended marriage or civil partnership if 1 partner lives abroad

Would you like to get married or enter into a partnership in The Hague? And does 1 partner live abroad? Then you first need to inform the municipality. This used to be called a ‘notice of intent to marry’ (in ondertrouw gaan).

  • At least 1 partner is registered in the Netherlands.
  • You are both at least 18 years.
  • You must inform the municipality a minimum of 12 weeks before the date of the ceremony.
  • Your registration of intent is valid for 1 year. Are you getting married after 1 year? Then you must inform the municipality again.
  • Family members are forbidden to marry each other or enter into a civil partnership with each other. There are exceptions to this rule. More information can be found on the Begin external link: website of the Government of the Netherlands(External link), end external link..
  • Have you been placed under guardianship? You will first need the permission of the guardian.
  • You can register your intent to marry in any municipality in the Netherlands. It is most practical to do this in the municipality where you are going to get married or enter into a partnership.

  • a copy of the identity documents for you and your partner
  • a copy of the identity documents for the witnesses (a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 4)

After you register your intent you will hear which documents you still need to send.

You can make a safe copy of your identity document with your mobile telephone or tablet using the KopieID app. Read more on the Begin external link: website of the Government of the Netherlands(External link), end external link..

Go through Steps 1 to 4 below.

  • Send an email to Begin link:, end link. . Indicate in the email that you want to get married or enter a civil partnership.
  • Include in your email the following information for you and your partner:
    • your names
    • your citizenship(s) (nationality/nationalities)
    • your place(s) of residence
  • The municipality will send you a form. You can use this form to register your intended marriage or civil partnership.

Send the completed form back by email to Begin link:, end link. . Include the following:

  • a copy of your identity document
  • a copy of the identity document for your partner
  • a copy of the identity document for your witnesses

You will get an email stating which documents you should send. These documents may not be older than 6 months. Depending upon the issuing country, they may first need to be translated or legalised. Read more about the legalisation of foreign documents on the Begin external link: website of the Government of the Netherlands(External link), end external link..

The municipality will send you an email. You can then indicate the preferred date, time and location for your wedding or civil partnership ceremony.

Registering your intent is free.

Do you want to reschedule or cancel your wedding? In certain cases you will have to pay to do this. Read more under Begin link: Getting married in The Hague: locations and fees, end link. .

You will get a response to your 1st email within 1 week.

Because you still need to send additional documents afterwards, the entire process can take a long time. Keep this in mind.


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