Safety policy for The Hague

Public safety is paramount to making a city attractive. Curbing and preventing crime and nuisance remains a top priority.

The municipal policy for the coming years will build upon a solid foundation. The Hague has become noticeably and demonstrably safer over the last few years. There is less crime and nuisance and city residents are also feeling safer. The policy focuses on working together with security partners and residents.

3-pronged approach

The Hague is taking a 3-pronged approach to security issues:

1. Approach to

  • ‘high impact crimes’: robberies, street robberies, home burglaries and (domestic) violence
  • common crime: pickpocketing, bicycle theft, vandalism and car burglaries
  • criminal youth groups/networks

2. Area-based, problem-oriented approach in neighbourhoods:

3. Comprehensive approach to:

Policy plan

On the basis of an extensive analysis and study (including the national Veiligheidsmonitor) the municipality and its partners have established priorities. Residents and businesses were consulted on the priorities and the approach. The result is the policy plan for the coming years.


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