International education in The Hague
The Hague is the city of international education. The highest concentration of international schools in the Netherlands can be found in The Hague.

There are international primary schools and secondary schools in and around The Hague. Half of all the international pupils in the Netherlands attend an international school in The Hague. The Hague region has the following international schools:
Dutch international schools
Dutch international schools provide internationally oriented education known in Dutch as Internationaal Georiënteerd Onderwijs (IGO). These schools are financially supported by the Government of the Netherlands.
- Begin external link: Stichting Haagsche Schoolvereeniging The Hague(External link), end external link. (primary education)
- Begin external link: International School of The Hague(External link), end external link. (primary and secondary education)
- Begin external link: International Waldorf School The Hague(External link), end external link. (primary education)
Foreign national schools
- Begin external link: British School in the Netherlands(External link), end external link. (primary and secondary education)
- Begin external link: American School of The Hague(External link), end external link. (primary and secondary education)
- Begin external link: Lycée Vincent van Gogh de la Haye(External link), end external link. (primary and secondary education)
- Begin external link: Deutsche Internationale Schule Den Haag(External link), end external link. (primary and secondary education)
Schools affiliated with embassies
- Begin external link: Polish School(External link), end external link. (embassy telephone number: (070) 799 01 00)
- Begin external link: Indonesian School(External link), end external link. (embassy telephone number: (070) 517 88 75)
School for special primary education
This school works together with the Haagsche Schoolvereeniging in The Hague.
International vocational education (MBO)
European School The Hague
- Begin external link: European School The Hague(External link), end external link. (primary and secondary education)
Look for a school
You can find information (partly in English) on all of the schools and courses in The Hague in the Scholenwijzer. This makes the choice a bit easier. You can also look up the international schools in the Begin external link: Scholenwijzer(External link), end external link..